Split Screen - detail

Split Screen - detail
An image of our fractured natures

Thursday, May 22, 2008

Al Burj Al Mabni - Detail View 2

Al Burj Al Mabni - Detail View

Al Burj Al Mabni - Back View

Al Burj Al Mabni

Al Burj Al Mabni means The Constructed Tower. This work refers to the marketed version of Dubai, my current home, against the reality on the ground. Thousands of nameless, faceless laborers have built this city, but they gain no credit for doing so. They cannot move here, they struggle with difficult conditions, sometimes not even being paid their salaries regularly. To be fair, the government does address the problems as they arise, but I still feel they should be afforded some dignity and thanks for their efforts.

Accessories for the Occupation - Earrings

The following series of four works all fall under the Accessories for the Occupation. Stones thrown in protest, stones from rubble of homes that have been illegally demolished. Razor Wire that delimits and delineates where one can move regardless of if it's their land or not. I chose the guise of fashion because I feel more people pay attention to that than to human suffering and injustice in our world. If we make tragedy fashionable, and suffering a red-carpet event, perhaps something may happen

Accessories for the Occupation - Ring

Accessories for the Occupation - Necklace

Accessories for the Occupation - Belt